Many years ago, I was driving my daughter to childcare along route 322 by the covered bridge. I saw it on the side of the road, most likely hit by a car as it was taking off from a nearby field. It was cold out. I think it was late November. I did a U-turn and pulled the car off the road. Told my daughter, (she was four in the car seat) “I’ll be right back!” Running across the street and up to the dead bird, my excitement was over the top.
I picked it up, stiff from rigor mortise and carried it back to the car, popped the trunk and in it went. Having seen a taxidermist on Route 100, that’s where I headed, knowing I’d be late to work. It was early, before 8 AM when I knocked on the door. An intimidating old woman came to the door. I showed her my find. “It’s a male isn’t it?” I asked. “Well, you can’t shoot a hen!”, she replied. “I didn’t shoot it!” I protested, “I found it! Can you stuff it?”.
“I’m in the middle of deer season! I won’t get to this until after Christmas.” Good enough for me. I’ve had this pheasant for 35 years.